*Disclaimer: I was given a VitaClay Chef Organic Multicooker in exchange for my honest review. All opinions expressed here are soley my own.
I was recently asked to review the VitaClay Chef Organic Multicooker. I was really excited because I've never tested out a device like this before. It's kind of like a slow cooker and a pressure cooker, but does so many other things. Not only can you cook a slow-cooked meal faster in this Multicooker, but you can also cook rice, bone broth and yogurt in it too!
I tested out a few different recipes in this multicooker. I had success with 2. Unfortunately, the VitaClay Chef Organic Multicooker needs a lot of liquid, so when I tried to make baked oatmeal, my multicooker actually malfunctioned and I had VERY burnt oatmeal left to scrape out. It was TOTALLY user error. It's made very clear in the instructions the minimum amount of liquid required to make oatmeal in the Organic Multicooker, but I did not read that until after ;) So, don't make the same mistake I did. In fact, if I were you, I would basically just follow their recipes, as this device comes with a recipe booklet. Use that as your basis, when making other dishes and follow the care and cooking instructions very closely.
The first thing I made in the Multicooker was Red Curry Chicken. It turned out great! See the recipe and instructions below.
Makes 4-5 servings
Prep time: 10 minutes
Cooking time: 1 1/2 - 2 hours
Using the 8 cup VitaClay Chef Organic Multicooker
3 lb. boneless skinless chicken thighs
1/2 medium sweet onion, sliced thin
salt and pepper to taste
13.66 oz. can lite coconut milk
4 oz. red curry paste
1 Tbsp. minced garlic
1 tsp. ground ginger
1. Place the chicken into the clay pot in layers. Salt and pepper each layer to taste and place onions on top of each layer.
2. In a bowl, mix together the remaining ingredients. Pour this over the top of your chicken and onions.
3. Cover the clay pot. Place the clay pot into the multicooker base. Closer it.
4. Press the slow cooking button and you'll want the little arrow to point to the stew setting. Set it for 1 1/2-2 hours.
This turned out wonderfully. Full of flavor!
I also made brown rice in the VitaClay Chef Multicooker when I had the flu and all I could eat was rice with some broth. It came out PERFECT!!!! SO easy to make.
Again, I also tried to make baked oatmeal with my VitaClay Chef Organic MutiCooker, but as I learned the hard way, it's not meant for anything without a lot of liquid. This really limits what you can do with it in the slow cooking department. So, no baking really. That's a bummer. But, it does SO many other things. Again, it very easily makes yogurt, bone broth, stews, soups, and a plethora of other things.
The price on the VitaClay Chef Organic MultiCooker is higher than most slow cookers. It's well over $100 on any given day when I check on amazon. Honestly, I don't think I would pay this much money for this device. I still feel like I have way more freedom with my slow cooker. Even though this device will keep your food perfectly warm after it's cooked for up to 12 hours, I feel like my food would be sitting there ALL day waiting for me on warm for at least 6-7 hours. This isn't ideal for me.
This device is very cumbersome. It takes up a lot of space. It's not something I can easily keep on my counter or in my cupboard, so we'll have to store ours elsewhere.
I found this easy to clean. Even when I BURNT oatmeal on the clay pot (and I mean, B-U-R-N-T,) it came off with a little soaking, elbow grease, baking soda and dish soap. I was impressed! Not sure this would have worked out quite as well with a regular crock. I will also say, I emailed customer service right away to see what I did wrong and they were extremely helpful! I was very impressed with their level of customer service and willingness to help me with this device. It was very obvious they wanted me to be successful with it and to learn how to keep my device in good working condition.
I honestly think I'm SO used to slow cooking in a regular slow cooker, I couldn't fully wrap my mind around this device. I feel the results were the same with my chicken in this device compared to what it would have turned out like in a regular slow cooker. This would be ideal for those who are not gone the entire day, and would like a slow cooked dinner in 2 hours or less. If that's you, I highly recommend this Multicooker. If you LOVE to make yogurt or rice, this device is for you! If you're an avid bone brother maker, this device will rock your world.
Thank you, VitaClay Chef for allowing me to learn a new device and opening my mind up to the possibility of slow cooking in less time!
You can purchase this VitaClay Chef Organic MultiCooker online through amazon or at VitaClayChef.com.