Sunday, January 16, 2011

This Week's Plan 1-16-11

I hope you all had a smashingly good week!  It's been extremely busy around here as my husband has been swamped with extra responsibilities at work no top of his extra ones here!  Due to a lovely snow storm last Tuesday, (that kept me in the car for 3 hours instead of 40 minutes.....big no no in my doctor's order right now!) my husbands commitments that were supposed to end last Tuesday have been extended to this Tuesday (with another possible snow storm on the way!  Can't win!).

I also got a bit of bad news last week......I failed my glucose test.  Well, hey, if you're gonna have problems, you may as well have big problems!  I like to do things "big!"  So, I have to go for a 3 hour glucose test this Wednesday.  Due to that, my menu plan this week is slim to none right now as I need to follow a strict diet the next few days and who knows what I'll be able to eat after I get the test results.

I also unexpectedly became a brunette for the first time in my life this week!  Why do I complicate my life so?!  I'm going to live with it for a week, but so far, I shock myself every time I look in the mirror!  I've always been happy as a blonde......I miss it already.  My husband hates it.......I can't win 'em all!!!

So, here's my VERY vague plan for the week......nothing new, but some possible things I might be able to eat!

This week's plan:

Monday - Pot Roast.....I can have the meat!!!  I'm going to add carrots, onions and potatoes for my parents and Ella to eat as well.  No cabbage this time :(  I'll be having a big ole side of pasta to try to make it to my 150 grams of carbs!

Tuesday - leftovers

Wednesday - Easy Chicken......might be a "twist" on easy chicken!  Stay tuned!

Thursday - leftovers

Friday, Saturday or Sunday - Maybe the Buffalo Chicken Pasta I wanted to make last weekend!

Happy Crock-Potting!
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