Saturday, February 5, 2011

This Week's Plan 2-5-11

After some disappointing news from my doctor last Tuesday, I'm not sure how much longer I'll be able to keep this baby boy at bay.  He's getting anxious!  I'm not due until March 27, so I'm trying very hard to make it until at LEAST next Sunday (when I'll be 34 full weeks).  Ultimately, making it until the end of February would be EVEN better, but it's not looking too good.  Who knows though, miracles do happen.  What my doctor says on Tuesday will ultimately decide whether or not my Crock Pot days are put on hold or not for the remainder of this pregnancy. So, my plan this week is to take things one day at a time.  I'm shooting for 2 Crock Pot meals this week, but I'm going to be flexible!

So, here's this week's "plan":

Sunday - Barbeque Chicken AND Cake (of some sort!)  YES!  I am making a CAKE in the Crock Pot!  I'm bound and determined to have dessert this week, and by gosh by golly, I'm gonna make it happen!

Monday - leftovers

Tuesday - Mjadra (per my husband's request!)

Wednesday - Saturday - Not sure yet.  Stay tuned!

Have a great week!

Happy Crock-Potting!
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  1. mmm....i love mjadra. too bad i can't have lentils right now (makes my nursling have bloody stools, sorry for the tmi, lol).

    best of luck on your pg. i'm a friend of lindsay, she has talked about your recipes so often! i had to check you out. :) boys are so fun, lol, loud, but fun! (i have 3)

    enjoy your cake! and the rest of your pg!

  2. Hi Helen!

    Thank you very much. It will definitely be different to have a boy around here.

    And thanks, I WILL enjoy my cake!!!

