Thursday, July 19, 2012

July 2012 Update

I hope this blog post finds everyone well!  As some of you may have noticed, I've changed things up a little bit here and there as life has changed!  Most of you know, I'm a mother, wife, teacher and blogger.  I'm REALLY good and packing my "plate" as full as possible......sometimes a little too full!

As the school year came to an end, I was finding myself more than a little bit stressed out.  Because of that, I had to make some changes.  The biggest thing you may have noticed is, I'm posting a little bit less here on the blog.  I apologize for anyone this inconveniences, but please remember, I blog for "fun!"  I have to keep reminding myself that sometimes!  This blog all started so I could share my love of slow cooking with my family, friends and co-workers. It has blossomed into SOOOO much more! Much more than I could have ever imagined! It's because of ALL of you, I am able to reach more and more busy moms, dads, aunts, uncles, grandmas, grandpas, etc. every day! I'm amazed sometimes at the large number of you I reach. I am humbled and blessed.

Another change you may have noticed is I no longer post my "Weekly Plan" like I used too. I have received feedback from some who miss this. I empathize with you, but I have to do what's best for me. I was putting A LOT of pressure on myself to post on certain days because many of you were "expecting" recipes and when I wasn't able to post them within a day or two of making them, I would receive comments from many asking for them. I then felt very guilty for not being able to post them quickly enough. I am extremely hard on myself, and although many of you always tell me "Take your time!!! We'll be here!," my anal-retentive self freaks out! LOL I LOVE that so many of you anticipate reading my recipes. That excites me! Unfortunately, I'm just a "bit" too hard on myself! LOL 

On Facebook, I've been attempting to post "teaser" pictures of upcoming recipes when possible. Because of life, it isn't always possible, but I do the best I can. ;) For those of you who follow "A Busy Mom's Slow Cooker Adventures" on Facebook, you know we are approaching 10,000 facebook followers!!!! Can you believe it?!!! I'm truly amazed! We'll be having a 10,000 facebook fan giveaway when we hit 10,000, so if you don't follow us already over there, you'll want to! You'll have to be a fan of the "A Busy Mom's Slow Cooker Adventures" fan page to be eligible to enter to win! We're just over 9,500 now and I hope to hit 10,000 by the middle of August....if not sooner!

I've been blogging for The Patch for a while now and am now and Oakland Press blogger as well!  I find it incredible that so many people want to see my recipes.  I'm honestly just a little lady who likes to use her slow cooker!  I swear!  (If you've met me in person, you know I'm seriously just a normal person!!!!)  Because I'm gaining more and more publicity (hee hee) I asked my aunt (who is an AWESOME photographer) to do a photo shoot with me, the kids and a slow cooker!  LOL  Here are some of the photos!!!  I love her, she is amazing!!!

 Aren't these awesome!???????!!!!!!  I'm so lucky!!!!

 It's been so much fun running into some of you while I'm out and about!!!!  I'm always amazed when someone "recognizes" me!  Hee hee!!!  You can always look for me in my pewter colored PT Cruiser with the "A Busy Mom's Slow Cooker Adventures" magnets on the sides and back!  Funny friend Maja called me while I was in the Penguinarium at the zoo last week.  She said "You don't hide very well!  Your car is a dead giveaway!  I know where you are!"  BUSTED!!!!  Hahahaha!!!!

As some of you may have guessed, blogging is not a big "money maker." If you're shocked, please pick your jaw up off the floor. LOL I make a tiny bit of money here and there through affiliate links you see within the text and some of the affiliate links on the sides of my blog. When you click on these things, I get a tiny bit of money back. For instance, if you visit through one of the links on the side and place an order, I get a small kick-back. It's nice, but won't pay the bills, LOL! I also sell ads on the sides, like you see, so please be sure to visit those sites! I truly believe in all the businesses I advertise for here on the blog!

 If you're a twitter"er" please be sure to folow me over there! You can find me at @BusyCrockPotMom. If you're on Pinterest, you can also follow me at @BusyCrockPotMom.

My family is all doing well.  My husband has been busy working with the Competitive Marching Band he works with throughout the summer and into the fall. Ella, my 4-year-old is becoming quite the little lady! She loves to learn, take care of her brother, play with her friends and make art projects! Gavin, my 1-year-old is becoming quite the talker (like his sister,) and is almost running everywhere he goes! He has quite a sense of humor and is ALWAYS smiling!!!! We call him "trouble!" I've been busy catching up on all the things I wanted to do all year. I've mostly been enjoying spending time with my kids and husband. They mean the world to me! I've been cooking, doing my nails (I've learned how to do those Shellac nails myself and I'm totally addicted) and have revived my love for sewing! I made a dress for Ella with a friend of mine and am about to start a second! 

I'm going to be a part of the Cooking Matters series from the people of Gleaner's Food Bank in Detroit as well!  I'm going for a tour of the Eastern Market soon.  I will hopefully participate in a cooking challenge, and might even be a guest judge for a Teen Cooking Challenge they host!  I'm so excited!  I can't wait to tell you about all of it!

I hope you'll leave me a comment below telling me what you've been up to this summer. I try to respond to each and every one of you, but sometimes comments get inadvertently skipped over! It's never intentional! Enjoy the remainder of your summer!

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1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much Ashlee!!!! I'm excited you found me too! Now, I'm off to check out your blog! ;)
