Every wonder what to do with the turkey carcass besides throwing it away? I have the perfect solution for you! Use the turkey carcass, along with all the leftover veggies from your veggie tray to make an extremely healthy turkey stock you can freeze and use later in your recipes.
It's super duper simple folks! ANYONE can do this! In fact, I've been scared for years to try this and I have no idea why. I feel silly for not having done this before. From now on, I will keep my turkey, chicken and beef bones to make stock with. I've been using stock out of my freezer to cook with now and I know EXACTLY how much salt is in it.....none! LOL It gives me the opportunity to season things appropriately! With my history of kidney stones, watching my salt intake is very important.
So, don't throw away the leftover veggies or carcasses! Use them to make a delicious stock you can use for recipes to come!
Servings: 8-14 cups (depending on size of crock you use)
1 turkey carcass, plus a little bit of turkey fat
2 cups carrots (chopped into chunks)
1 onion quartered
2 cups celery
5 cloves garlic
Directions: (Use a 3 quart or larger Slow Cooker for this recipe)
Place the turkey carcass in your crock.
Add in the carrots, celery, onion and garlic (I added my garlic at the last minute by accident, so it won't be pictured until later)
Fill your crock with water.
Cook on HIGH for 3-4 hours, or on LOW for 6-8 hours.
It will look like this.
From here, I poured cup portions into freezer baggies. I have been using them in my slow cooker recipes from the frozen state. (I just run the baggies under warm water to release the contents from the bag)

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