Many of you have read my previous posts about FitAddict Training and MANY of you have joined me in my journey....either on your own or by joining FitAddict yourself.
At the end of July, 2013, I decided to take my health back. I decided to get fit. Let me clarify here....being "fit" is different for EVERYONE! We all have our own insecurities. We all have problem areas. We all have certain goals in mind. I have never considered myself fat. I hate that word actually. I just knew I didn't like what I saw in the mirror when my reflection stared back at me. I was not confident. I was NOT happy.
Being unhappy with myself led to major insecurities. Last summer, I had conceded that I would never wear a bikini again. Being a mommy of 2, sometimes we sacrifice and I had come to the realization that my body would never be back to where I used to be.
I want you to see this...
This was me at the end of August. I did not look bad. However, we all perceive ourselves differently, correct? My perception was I was ok. I knew my body could look better, but not for anyone else. Only for me.
Here I was about a month later...
A slight they are side by side
You can see the confidence in my face had changed though.
November was my game changer month. You can see my muscles starting to take shape. This was VERY encouraging!
Here is a side by side from the beginning until this point
January was when I REALLY started gaining confidence! My hips were shrinking and my muscles continued to grow. My face had slimmed down quite a bit too!
By February....I was a lean mean fighting machine!
(This is a selfie after a good morning workout!)
And here I am.....currently. I am making HUGE strides.
When I first posted these current pictures on facebook, I got a lot of encouragement. I also got a few negative comments about how people "like the first picture better!" Well, first, let's talk about how it's not very kind to post negative comments. Ever heard of the saying "if you have nothing nice to say, don't say anything at all?!" I wish that everyone knew about that. It's actually sad that some people feel better after making other people feel worse.
I can tell you, I feel AMAZING! I feel STRONG! I feel POWERFUL! I feel CONFIDENT! I feel BEAUTIFUL! I will NOT let others get me down!
I promise you, I eat! Actually, Andrea of FitAddict Training closely monitors my diet and adjusts is appropriately depending on the measurements I send her. I recently added 2 servings of sweet potatoes in a day because I felt like I was becoming too lean. It's all about finding a balance.
This past Thursday, I was hired as a FitAddcit FitLeader! I taught my first class Thursday night and I enjoyed EVERY second of it!
Here I am after teaching my first class, which was "Booty Blaster!"
It was soooooooo much fun!!!!
Today, it's over 70 degrees out, which is AWESOME! BUT, I tried on my summer pants.....
These didn't even come close to fitting! The pair on the far left, I SQUEEZED into last summer but they're stretchy so they were my go-to capris! The shorts in the middle? I bought those in Venice on my honeymoon. Those fall off even when they're buttoned. The pair on the far right? Those are stretchy too, so I was able to fit in those last summer, barely. Those are at least 2 inches too big.
These are the things I'm left with. The pants on the left I bought in early college. They were tight, but I liked them. The shorts in the middle don't fall down, so I kept them. They're still big though. The skirt on the right fits wonderfully, but is still a bit big.
In conclusion.....I get to go shopping! Yay! LOL
In celebration of me becoming a FitLeader, Andrea is offering a special!
FitAddict Total Body Blaster Program:
FitAddict Training is a Virtual Fitness/Nutrition & Motivation Program which incorporates healthy eating, workout videos that combine cardio & weight training (perfect for a busy on the go schedule), group support, healthy easy recipes and confidence building challenges that strengthen us inside and out!
**Lose 7-10lbs within first 2 weeks!!!
Program includes:
New Monthly Upper, Lower, Total Body Targeted, & Yoga workout videos
Monthly Calendar (Keeps you organized and on track!)
Easy to follow FAT BLASTING Meal Plans & Recipes
Private Facebook Group for accountability & support
LiveStream Access to Our BOOTY&ABZ Class (Live classes with Andrea, Hope or Susan. All you do is click on a link we provide to workout with us & classes are recorded if you can't make them)
Also a live Q & A after each class!
One month Cost: $49
** SPECIAL: 2 MONTHS FOR THE PRICE OF ONE!! THIS PRICE ENDS ON 4/18/2014 AT MDNIGHT EST. Click below to take advantage of this offer!!
All of your Program info will be sent as soon as we receive payment confirmation. Please let us know if you have any other questions!! We look forward to helping you achieve your goals!!

you look fantastic!!! I wish my stomach looked like that !