Crock-It Lock-It boasts "Cook-It, Take-It, Share-It!" That completely sums up this product! You cook something in your crock, you take it using the Crock-It Lock-It and then you get to share the yumminess inside your crock!
Ok, if you think that sounds easy, I'm here to tell you it's just as easy to use this product. So, here's what it looks like:
First, do you notice how there is a ladle attached to the Crock-It Lock-It? Isn't that a great idea?! I thought so when I opened the package! What better way of promoting a device is to be used for sharing food, then to actually attach a ladle with it? I thought that was a brilliant marketing technique.
While this device might "look" intimidating, I'm here to tell you it isn't at all when you actually go to use it.
You will notice on the back of the Crock-It Lock-It package, there are pictured directions. I always appreciate pictures included in directions. I'm a very visual person. Go figure. LOL
The device is really simple. Those gray rings you see above? They are rubbery and flexible. Those sit on top of your slow cooker lid. These straps....
SOOOOO easy! You simply slide that black "star piece" until the size crock you are using is in the circle.
It works with crocks up to 8 quarts, as you can see above.
I set mine to 3 because I was using a 3 quart slow cooker. Once you have the strap set to the size you want, you lay it on the counter like this.
Now, all you have to do is place your slow cooker over the "star piece" with the 3 in the circle...
You then bring the top piece up over the top so it sits on top of the lid.
Next is threading the straps through the rings.
Pull the straps tight and....
That's it!!!!! Really, truly, it's not hard at all! You now have a crock that is extremely SAFELY portable!
Honestly, I could use 6 of these, as I have that many slow cookers. These will definitely come in handy for demonstrations I do, any family or friend gathering I go where I take my slow cookers, or for when I bring my slow cookers to work! (Yes, my lucky co-workers often get to taste my creations!)
You can pre-order one Crock-It Lock-It for $20 or two Crock-It Lock-Its for $40 here. Enter code BUSYMOMS to preorder yours for $15!!!!!!!! (I recommend at least 2!) Find out more about the Crock-It Lock-It by visiting
Follow all their happenings on Facebook too. What will you use your Crock-It Lock-It for?

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